The Event
You undertake to either walk or run the 100km in teams of four along a predetermined route within 30 hours, and within the checkpoint cut-off times outlined in the Event Guide (the “Event”), in order to raise sponsorship funds for The Gurkha Welfare Trust.
You understand that you can only partake in the Event as a team of four individuals (the “Team”) and at least one support crew member, all of whom must be 18 years of age or above on 19/09/2025.
You understand that it will be your obligation to assemble the Team.
You acknowledge that the Event is organised and promoted by The Gurkha Welfare Trust and the Queen’s Gurkha Signals in order to raise funds for The Gurkha Welfare Trust (the “Event Organisers”).
You understand that in light of any risks to health and safety, the Event Organisers reserve the right to alter the event with additional safety measures to keep participants, volunteers and delivery teams safe. All alterations will be communicated in advance of the Event taking place where practicable. Additional safety measures may also be put in place at any point during the event, including, in rare circumstances, cancellation of the event (see Cancellation by us below).
Entry to the Event
By registering, you (the “Team Leader”) are agreeing to enter into the Event on behalf of your Team and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions, the Event Guide and any instructions given to by the Event Organisers and officials of the Event.
You will register as Team Leader and pay the Event Entry Fee on behalf of the Team. All team members should meet the requirements for entry into the Event and provide accurate and current contact details. By participating in the Event, each member of the Team will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.
You understand that your Team’s place in the Event is not confirmed until you have paid the Event entry fee (the “Event Entry Fee”) on behalf of the Team and received confirmation from the Event Organisers of your Team’s entry.
You acknowledge that entry works on a first come first served basis and once the Event has reached capacity no further applications will be accepted.
You agree that valid details of all members of the Team and a support crew member must be submitted by 14/09/2025 (one week prior to the event).
You agree that no further amendments to the Team will be permitted after 14/09/2025 (one week prior to the event). After this point, please contact the Event Organisers on who may consent to any amendments to the Team at their discretion.
You acknowledge that the Event is a fundraising event in aid of The Gurkha Welfare Trust (reg. charity no. 1034080) exclusively.
You agree that the Team will collectively raise the minimum sponsorship pledge of £1,200 and share responsibility for raising this amount.
You agree that the Team should collectively raise £800 of the minimum sponsorship by 07/09/2025 (two weeks prior to the Event).
You understand that the Team’s fundraising target does not include the Event Entry Fee, the funds which may be subsequently reclaimed by the charity in Gift Aid, nor any funds previously raised for previous Trailwalker events.
You agree that all funds raised must be paid to The Gurkha Welfare Trust by the fundraising deadline of 31/10/2025.
You agree that the Team will not use the Event to raise funds for any charity other than The Gurkha Welfare Trust.
Fundraising incentives (free t-shirts etc.) may be offered as a promotion via the official Trailwalker website. In order to be eligible to receive any incentives, you must have raised the required amount by the stipulated date. Eligibility and full terms and conditions for any such fundraising incentives will be published on the website (
You agree that, while neither the Queen’s Gurkha Signals nor The Gurkha Welfare Trust exclude liability for personal injury or death caused by their own negligence, you undertake the Event entirely at your own risk and will not hold the Queen’s Gurkha Signals and/or The Gurkha Welfare Trust responsible for:
(a) any damage to, or loss of personal property; or
(b) any accident or injury which does not result from the negligence of the Queen’s Gurkha Signals or The Gurkha Welfare Trust arising directly or indirectly or in any manner whatsoever out of or in connection with the Event; or
(c) any costs incurred in the lead up to and the Event itself; including but not limited to should the Event Organisers decide to cancel or suspend the event.
The hazardous nature of the event
You understand that the Event involves sustained physical exercise in a remote area and involves walking at night over rugged terrain.
You agree that you are responsible for your own fitness and heath to take part in the Event and will consult a doctor about your participation if you have a medical condition or concerns.
You understand that the Event will include several road crossings and some short sections along roads. All rules of the highway code apply, and teams should take extreme care while on roads. High-visibility vests must be worn by the team members at the front and back of the Team when on road sections during the night.
Cancellation by you before the Event
You acknowledge that should you wish to cancel your Team’s entry to the Event, the Event Entry Fee is nonrefundable or transferable to future events, save in exceptional circumstances as determined by the Event Organisers at their discretion.
You understand that, in the event of the cancellation of your Team’s entry to the Event, or in the event of the substitution or withdrawal of a Team member, it is your responsibility to contact your Team’s donors to check if they are happy for sponsorship to remain with the Event Organisers. Any request for sponsorship refunds must be made in writing to The Gurkha Welfare Trust by the donor.
You agree that a substitution of any member of the Team is permitted until two weeks before the Event. All changes must be communicated to the Event Organisers before this date. Any changes made after this date are confirmed at the discretion of the Event Organisers.
You understand that in the three weeks prior to the Event, teams of three members may be given permission to start the Event. Permission is required in writing from the Event Organisers. Teams of less than three people will not be permitted to take part in the event.
Cancellation by you during the Event
You agree that any member of the Team who is injured or exhausted during the Event must be brought to the nearest checkpoint for assistance. If the casualty cannot be moved, one person from the Team must stay with them while the remaining members seek help. Under no circumstances is a casualty to be left unattended.
You agree that if you wish to withdraw from the Event you must
1) report to the nearest checkpoint or contact an Event Organiser and
2) return the Event tracking equipment.
You understand that it is the responsibility of the remaining Team members to ensure that the Event Organisers are aware of the withdrawal of any Team member and the Team may not continue until it has been reported.
You understand that with the permission of the Event Organisers, Teams with three remaining members will be permitted to continue in the event of a member of the Team withdrawing during the Event.
You understand that with the permission of the Event Organisers, if two members of the Team withdraw, the remaining two members of the Team may continue if a different Team formally accepts responsibility for them for the remainder of the Event. This must be reported through the checkpoint and then communicated to event organisers for tracking purposes. Only once confirmation from the event organisers has been received back at the checkpoint may the reformulated team be released to continue the event.
You understand that Teams with only two members may not start the Event unless they can be paired with a different Team (with two or more members).
Support crews must have the capability to provide support at each checkpoint and be able to transport Team members if they withdraw from the Event.
Cancellation by us
You understand that the Event Organisers reserve the right to cancel, alter or suspend the Event without notice, in consultation with Emergency Services and major event stakeholders/landowners. Reasons that the Event may be cancelled are, but not limited to: fire, flood, adverse weather conditions (including high temperatures), acts of war or violence, malicious damage, explosion, earthquake, strike, civil disturbances, political unrest, riot, labour dispute, power cuts, path instability, and foot and mouth disease or other such disease, infectious viruses such as coronavirus or any other cause beyond the Event Organisers’ control
You understand that depending on the time at which the Event Organisers cancel the event, you will have the following options with regards to your entry fee (you will be only able to opt for one of these options):
- Defer your entry fee to the next Trailwalker UK event
- Donate your entry fee to The Gurkha Welfare Trust
- 100% entry fee refund if the Event is cancelled on or before 30/06/2025
- 50% entry fee refund if the Event is cancelled between 01/07/2025 – 07/09/2025
You acknowledge that any sponsorship raised up until the time the Event is cancelled will not carry over into a future event.
You understand that you will not be entitled to any reimbursement of any personal expenses incurred, such as travel or accommodation, and you should ensure you have appropriate personal insurance against these costs before booking.
Rules and regulations
You understand that the Team must start together, remain together on the trail, and must check in at each checkpoint and the finish point together. The Team may not leave a checkpoint until the whole Team has reached that checkpoint (unless a team member withdraws – please see Cancellation by you during the Event for more details).
You agree that the Team’s recorded time at each checkpoint and at the finish will be the time the last member of the Team arrives.
You acknowledge that it is the Team’s responsibility to ensure that they have been correctly checked-in at each checkpoint.
You agree that you may not be transported by vehicle along any portion of the trail or between any points on it unless you have formally withdrawn from the Event.
You agree to wear the timing equipment and identification number provided at all times throughout the Event.
You agree to return the timing equipment on the day of the Event or be liable to an additional £150 charge to cover the full cost of the device.
You agree to comply with The Countryside Code at all times during the Event. This includes but is not limited to all participants and support crews respecting the environment and not dropping litter.
You agree to comply with any safety instructions given to you by Event officials.
You agree to use the litter and recycling bins at the checkpoints.
You understand that the Team must leave each checkpoint before the maximum cut off time stated in the Event Guide in order to continue during the Event.
You understand that failure to wear identification numbers, failure to comply with safety order notices issued by the Event Organisers, failure to follow the rules and regulations/Event Guide or acting dangerously or unfairly to gain advantage during the Event may result in disqualification.
You agree to keeping noise levels to a minimum when walking in residential areas, specifically at night.
You agree to behave in a way that does not cause offence to fellow participants, event staff or the public, and does not in any way bring the Event Organisers disrepute.
You agree that dogs are NOT permitted anywhere on the course, at the start or finish line.
Pre-Event registration
You understand that the Team must register and receive the safety brief prior to taking part.
You understand that registration is a mandatory safety procedure, and it is the Team’s responsibility to ensure that this is completed in good time prior to the allocated starting slot.
You understand that no member of the Team should be substituted after the Team has registered onsite at the Event.
You understand that registration includes signing an essential kit disclaimer form to ensure that each member of the Team is adequately equipped to take part.
You agree that if you are deemed by the Event Organisers to be inadequately equipped or prepared you may be disqualified on safety grounds.
If you are a smoker, you agree to smoke only in the designated area provided at the registration site.
Support crew
You agree that each Team must have a support crew to provide practical support throughout the Event. Each support crew is responsible for transporting the Team’s provisions, including food, changes of clothes, a first aid kit, and any necessary medication during the Event (professional event medics will be on hand for serious incidents). It is strongly recommended that your support crew consists of two people as a minimum.
You understand you must organise for your support crew to transport you to the start and from the finish, and to provide assistance at checkpoints along the trail. Your support crew will also be responsible for transporting any members of the Team that withdraw from the Event.
You agree to communicate to your support crew that they must drive safely, remain well rested, only arrive at checkpoints when required to avoid congestion, and park safely without hindering the flow of traffic or endangering the safety of participants and other people.
You agree that some checkpoints may be closed to support crew at the Event Organisers’ discretion.
You agree that support crew vehicles must not exceed the size of a 12-seater minibus (2.5m x 5.5m).
You agree that only one support crew vehicle per team is allowed access to a checkpoint at any one point and only one vehicle pass will be issued per support crew.
Results and awards
You acknowledge that only registered members of the Team who complete the Event will receive a medal.
You agree that only registered teams that complete their challenge as a team of four within the relevant cutoff time will be entered into the official team results.
Your data
We collect the following Personal Data from you when you register to participate in the Event:
- Name
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Postal address
- Medical information
- Emergency contact information
This data will be shared with The Queen Gurkha Signals Regiment, The Gurkha Welfare Trust’s event organisation partner who oversee participant safety throughout the event or an alternative third-party responsible.
Unless you consent to other uses of your data, we will collect and process your Personal Data solely to enable us to provide our services to you in connection with the Event, including using your Personal Data:
- to confirm and verify your identity
- to provide you with details of the Event
- to administer the Event and enable you to participate in the Event
- for the compilation of anonymised statistical information
- to satisfy our legal, accounting or reporting requirements
We process any medical data which you disclose to protect your health during the Event. Your name, gender, date of birth, medical information, mobile number, and emergency contact information may be shared with our Medical supplier to keep you safe in case you need assistance during the Event.
We share your data:
- With the Event photographers – in connection with the Event photography (Name, Team Name).
- With the Tracking supplier – to enable them to process the tracking equipment for the Event. (Name, Mobile Number, Emergency Contact Name and Number).
- On our Trailwalker website, – This will appear on the website to enable you to track your progress through the Event (Name, Team Name).
- On our supplier’s public tracking website – This will appear on their website to enable you to track your progress through the Event and check your official finish time (Name, Team Name).
Your information will not be passed to other third parties without your consent.
You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the Events Team on
For details about The Gurkha Welfare Trust’s work and your rights, please see the privacy page of our website:
Photography and videography
Images, film, and interview material taken during the Event of all participants and support crew members may be used by the Event Organisers to promote the Event and Gurkha Welfare Trust sponsored challenge events in the future. These images and any associated comments will be used in connection with The Gurkha Welfare Trust’s work to support Gurkha veterans and their communities. Content may be edited and used on any or all of The Gurkha Welfare Trust’s platforms, as well as by donors, partners, or other external organisations to promote The Gurkha Welfare Trust.
If you do not wish your image to be used in this way, please inform our photographers and/or videographers so they can avoid capturing images in which you are the subject. Please contact The Gurkha Welfare Trust’s Events Team at to opt out or for further information.
The materials will be stored on The Gurkha Welfare Trust’s secure servers and new content will not be created after 5 years without your consent. In the case of material published online and offline, it is possible that ongoing, existing use of this content will continue for longer than 5 years.
Marketing and communications
You agree that images, film, and interview material taken at the Event of all the Team and support crew members may be used by the Event Organisers to promote the Event and Gurkha Welfare Trust sponsored challenge events in the future. You can opt out of having your image used by contacting the Gurkha Welfare Trust’s Events Team at or 01722 323955.
You understand that the Event Organisers will contact you regularly with administrative communications about your taking part in the Event, including logistical and fundraising information.
The Gurkha Welfare Trust would like to keep you updated about the projects, fundraising activities, and appeals. We will only do this if you provide consent. For more information about how your data will be used, please see our privacy policy: